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Step 1

Explore our Welcome Page, About Us, Tuition, Admissions and Academics pages.

Step 2

Schedule an Interview with our Director  or get on our waiting list by calling


Step 3

After Your Interview You have 1 week to accept or decline the position and leave a deposit

Step 4

Fill out and return all the necessary medical, authorization, and enrollment forms by the first day of school


Statement to Parents and Agreement


Tuition & Enrollment


Before enrollment can take a plan, Purple Dragon Preschool requires a mandatory, individual interview with both the parent/guardian and the child.  This interview can be scheduled with the director of the school by contacting the school's primary telephone number (816) 753 - 2973 during the school's operating hours.  The purpose of the interview is to assess the child's needs; therefore it does not commit the parents to enroll their child into the school.  The enrollment of your child into the school will only be finalized when the appropriate deposit has been made and all of the required paperwork has been completed.


We are open all year round! The school year begins at the end of August and is completed in the first week of June, with the summer enrollment possible for June through August. The age involved ranges from two years to the beginning of kindergarten.


Upon enrollment into the school, there is a required annual enrollment fee. Tuition rates are calculated differently based on part-time (4 days) or full-time (5 days) enrollment and by age group. Please call for our current rates. Children may attend for less than 4 days, however, it is important to note that there will be no change in the tuition rate. One gourmet snack, one healthy 3-course lunch, and one afternoon snack are provided by the school and no additional payment for a meal plan will be required. 


Tuition is to be paid monthly by the first of each month for the entire month (including legal holidays, Winter Break, etc.)  Payments that are five days late will be subject to a $25 late fee.  If your child is in the Kindergarten Readiness Program or our Advanced Reading and Writing Program there is a $25 supply fee also due on the first of each month. Checks payable to Purple Dragon Preschool LLC. accepted at morning drop-off.  


Payments are due even if the child is absent, ill, or out on a holiday or Winter Break.


If, for some reason, after the enrollment into the school, changes need to take place, the director of the school must be notified as soon as possible.  Purple Dragon Preschool requires a two-week notice: failure to provide a two-week notice will result in additional charges.


If problems should arise at a later time, parents are required to request a conference with the school's director.  The conference will be scheduled at the earliest possible time, convenient to both the parent and the school, during the school's operating hours.


Furthermore, if the staff of the school sees reason for concern, a conference shall also be held.  Purple Dragon Preschool and its staff will make all possible attempts to resolve and problems or concerns that affect the well-being of each child.  If, at that time, the problem is not resolved to the satisfaction of the parent or the staff to suit the child's best interests; then the parent may request appropriate paperwork to terminate the child's enrollment.  For enrollment termination to take place an appropriate notice of two weeks must be given. 


Mandatory Paperwork


The paperwork listed below is required by the state before enrollment can be finalized.  All required paperwork must be submitted by the parents.

- Enrollment forms

- Health forms 

- Medication authorization


If any changes occur in the child's medication forms, the parents are responsible to notify the director of the school immediately. 


To request more information:

Contact the Admissions Office


Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm







Purple Dragon


Ages 2 - 6





Pick-up and Drop-off Policy


The entrance to Purple Dragon Preschool is located at the back entrance of the church. Your vehicle will enter the driveway located on Genessee St. (you will a see  our playground and white hoouse to the left of the long driveway) drive up and you will see our entry door and a small parking lot with a "Purple Dragon" sign. When you exit, keep driving FORWARD and exit onto Bell St.   It is mandatory that parents walk their children from the parking lot to the school entry check-in with the teacher. Furthermore, it is also mandatory that parents check-out their children.  Due to safety reasons, no child will be allowed to leave the school without adult supervision.  


If a parent wishes that their child be picked-up by someone else, other than themselves, the parent(s) must notify the school and provide a written statement of such request.  A responsible adult to whom the parent designates a responsibility to pick-up their child must provide a form of identification, without an appropriate identification form a child will not be permitted to leave the school with such adult. 


Illness and Injury Policy


Children that are ill are not permitted to attend school.  A child must be free of major symptoms in order to resume school.  


If the child becomes ill, injured, or afflicted with other health issues, then the Purple Dragon Preschool staff will notify the parent(s) immediately. 

Website last updated 01/29/2019 

Information is subject to change at the discretion of

Purple Dragon Pre-school / Daycare LLC.

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